Couples in Tulsa Oklahoma see the tremendous benefits of a legal marriage as opposed to living together without a formal commitment in a ceremony with vows.
A formal wedding provides a beautiful and luxurious place to make a public commitment. There are benefits to making vows and commitments. God hears them. In Psalms_61:5 it reads, “For thou, O God, hast heard my vows: thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear thy name.” Vows said before God and ones friends and family are serious business. It’s not to be taken lightly. Some couples repeat traditional vows, but more trendy today is to write one’s own vows which makes it very personal and special. When we got married 47 years ago, we wrote our own vows and memorized them so that we would remember our commitment to each other. Each anniversary we will repeat a portion or two to each other as we remember our ceremony.
A wedding is also an opportunity to celebrate the union of all the families of both the bride and the groom. The couple in love can get more acquainted with each other’s loved ones and introduce them to other family members. A wedding will hold many memories for years to come and be long remembered, especially when a videographer is capturing valuable moments on film, and a photographer can create lasting memories with photos to be enjoyed for years to come. A ceremony that marks the commitment publicly with vows and prayers sealing the beginning of the union of husband and wife, the establishing of a new family is worth all the planning, preparing, celebrating, and remembering.
The institution of marriage is the ultimate expression of love and commitment in that you are sacrificing your life to dedicate to one another your love and trust and are beginning a lifelong bond that ties the couple into one. A wedding ceremony is usually a formal and often public declaration of a couple’s commitment to each other. It allows couples the time and beautiful space to make vows in front of friends, family, and their spiritual leaders thereby symbolizing the seriousness and permanence of the vows.
Although, marriage doesn’t take away one’s humanity and weaknesses nor does it cause one to not have misunderstandings, it is a journey committed to making changes and adjustments to please the other spouse as you learn to live and grow together for the better. When God made man and woman, he gave them different abilities and different ways to think, and as one learns to trust the other spouse, the marriages will bring about a strong family.
A wedding ceremony is the beginning of a formalized partnership, where couples share life together, its ups and downs, its responsibilities, illnesses, and accomplishments. A marriage is a union of support for each other emotionally, spiritually, financially, and in everyday tasks because each one is working toward a strong family unit. Marriage also helps couples share a deeper emotional and physical intimacy because one’s sense of belonging and trust is enhanced. The closeness, the security, and companionship is real and settled.
Marriage provides a foundation for starting a family. The family is established at the wedding ceremony but will constantly be learning about oneself and one’s spouse and their preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. Remember that the couple is what makes a family unit, whether the marriage is blessed with children or not.
The wife is a very powerful influence on the success of the marriage. Just as Eve tempted Adam and they both fell from the perfect life, women can influence their husbands to make serious and consequential wrong choices; therefore, keeping the family in trouble and discord. By the same token she can make a huge difference in many little ways to help and influence her husband’s right choices, therefore keeping him happy and the whole family in unity.
Marriage is an important part of culture and faith in God the creator. As couples show honor and forgiveness to one another they show respect for God and grow in happiness and a deep settled acceptance of each other and their life and work. Animals don’t marry, but humans are created like God and are accountable to the authority of God to live according to His design and carry His integrity into all their relationships. Marriage also has many legal rights and protections, including inheritance rights, tax benefits, social security, and shared insurance. Being married makes financial matters, like property ownership and healthcare decisions, more straightforward.
Marriage is recognized socially as a significant milestone because it formalizes a couple’s relationship in the eyes of their community, friends, and family. Couples who marry create a sense of security and stability for their family. The legal and societal recognition of marriage will also provide emotional and psychological security for the couple. Moreover, they enjoy the benefits of marriage because it’s a biblical command and following God’s plan for his creation has many rewards. From Genesis 2:24 it reads, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Marriage is similar to a rite of passage that elevates the couple to leave both sides of their families and start their own. It gives them their own status of maturity and personal privacy, being acknowledged as a married couple who can do their own thing, and are left alone to live their plans, work their own dreams, and desires together.
A wedding ceremony and reception is enjoyable for all to celebrate the newly established family, nurture relationships with family and friends, and seal the union in front of loved ones. Beautiful weddings create lasting memories of the couple making their vows and commitments publicly.